Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Hey Sweetie:

I got such a great letter from you today, it made me so happy! It was the letter about Private Fisher's accident and your experiences with that. I'm so grateful to you for sharing your testimony with me of the
Atonement and families being together forever. I really felt the spirit while I was reading your testimony. I know it's true and I know you know it's true and I couldn't ask for anything more.

I'm also glad that you remember my wishbone wish that I wished you will die of old age and not any other way. But, since you got the bigger half of the wishbone when we broke one right before you left, I'm going to make your wish come true which means we will be alright while you are gone. So, in order to make my wish still valid I made my same wish again over my birthday candles. So, as long as you do your part and Heavenly Father does His part, I think we are good to go.

The lyrics for today are Popcorn Popping on the Apricot Trees because that is the song that has been coming to my head lately when I want to sing something to the girls; especially Jane, she likes the actions: “I looked out the window and what did I see? Popcorn popping on the apricot tree! Spring has brought me such a nice surprise. Blossoms popping right before my eyes. I could take an armful and make a treat, a popcorn ball that would smell so sweet. It wasn’t really so, but it seemed to be. Popcorn popping on the apricot tree!”

Ok, now it's time for an update on the girls. Maren has a few new developments in her life. She has started talking instead of crying when she first wakes up which is always nice. When they are still newborns they usually just wake up crying. Also, think she is going to be ready to eat solid foods soon because she has starting anticipating things with her mouth. Like when I'm about to feed her and I get close with the bottle she will open up her mouth before I touch it to her lips and she does the same thing with the binky. The last new development is that she cries real tears now when she cries sometimes. It used to just be mostly noise when she cried, but now she gets tears on her cheeks. It's sad, but really cute too. Jane is now saying “hello mama” as her second two word sentence, with “no mama” being her first. She calls the Daddy book, “Daddy!” and really seems to enjoy looking at it and finding you. She has been sleeping so great the past couple of days. She has been going to bed at like 7:30 and getting up at about 9 am. Then she has only been taking one nap from about noon to 3 or 4 pm. She is such a love!

I'm going to try writing a poem (but it doesn't rhyme) too, let me know what you think:

You are constantly in my thoughts, with me always.
I feel I'm merely breathing you in and out.

I crave your embrace, ache to be held
Where all my adventures begin and end.

When we're together again it will feel so good.
To once again to be in your arms, so close.

We know our family will forever be together
And our joy can only continue to grow.

I hope you know how you save my life every day.
You are my happy ending, my safe return.

I love you! That's all there is to it. I also miss you and can't wait to see you in only two weeks! Luckily, October has been going by very quickly and I think it will continue to go by quickly seeing as your family is coming tomorrow, then I'm going to Utah, then I'm coming to you. I hope it's going fast for you as well. I imagine that it is since you guys are now in blue phase and you only have like one and a half hard weeks left then out processing. Life is so good Brad, I just can't wait for it to get even better when we are together again. I love you more than a piece of birthday cake loves a scoop of ice cream.


P.S. Here's a tongue twister for you. Try to say this three times fast, it sounds really funny: “Bob Loblaw's Law Blog.” It ends up sounding like “blah blah blah blah blah”

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