Wednesday, July 8, 2009



Hey you! Here's my first typed letter...sorry, I know that you prefer hand written, but when I'm pressed for time I think it's better if I type it so that I can get it in the mail that day. Anyway, I talked to you late last night for potentially the last time in about two weeks and that made me pretty sad. But I'm very happy that by the time you're back from being in the field and can call me again that you will only have four days left, HOORAY! I'll for sure write you lots of letters and I've already got a package going for you that I'll mail in the next couple of days. Just treats and fun letters and pictures, but I hope that you'll enjoy it.

Anyway, I hope that you're feeling ok about your time being XO and I hope that you get a good report for it even though it didn't go quite as well as you were hoping. I hope you know how proud I am of you! You are my knight in shining armor! Anyway, good luck in the field these next couple of weeks and I hope all goes well. If you can't send me any letters don't worry about it, but know that I would LOVE getting letters from you!

My time is going very quickly here in Colorado and we are having a great time. I'm heading home on Saturday, which is the day that Jenneka and the boys come in to town (to Utah). Then she'll be in town for the next week and we are going to have a baby shower for her while she is in Utah (I'm kind of hosting it at your parents house) since she is having her first girl, she needs girly things :) Not us, we are great at girls! Speaking of girl stuff...Dan and Danni have given me a whole big bag of baby girl stuff that's too small for Macie since they are pretty sure that they aren't going to have any more kids. We even got a Bjorn, which is what I've been thinking we would need to get for this next baby. I know we have tons of stuff, but I want to go through it and give a bunch to Lara and Jenneka.

Anyway, after Jen and Todd leave town, the next weekend is Bear Lake. I'm pretty sure that I'm going, but part of me still thinks that I might just stay home. I'm sure I'll go, I know it will be fun, but it just won't be the same without you there. What do you think? Should I go? We get home Monday afternoon and you get home that Monday evening. Well, as I describe all of this I am hoping that time is going quickly for you as well! You're the one who is not in a very fun atmosphere...

So something scary just happened. Maren was putting the younger dumber dog back and I was watching her. She wasn't doing anything that I could tell that should be bugging him, but he jumped up at her face and bit her. Don't worry, it's not as bad as I thought it was, she just has one little dot of a puncture on her upper cheek. I hit the dog and put him outside and then got Maren some Swedish Fish. She cried for a little while then suddenly stopped and said, “So brave!” So, she's totally fine, but it was scary because it could have been a lot worse you know. I'm getting sick of these dogs, but they get to go home tomorrow so that will be good.

I gave the girls a bath this morning and now I'm doing laundry, Danielle is out running errands, the girls (Jane, Maren, and Renee) are watching Backyardigans, Macie is sleeping, Talise is at Gymnastics camp, Dan is at work, and I am writing this letter to you. I'm also with Erika a little bit. She's prego you know and she is SUPER sick. It sounds like she is quite a bit worse than me. She has tried taking Unisom and it hasn't made any difference. She says that she basically cannot find anything that give her symptoms any relief...poor girl. I'm sure glad I'm out of that phase...NO FUN! Anyway, I think that I have felt our little baby move a couple of times, but it's really random and only one little blip and then nothing else so it's hard to be sure.

I'm excited to help Danielle with another big vinyl lettering order in these next couple of days. Her stake is doing a youth trek so they want us to make 330 tiles (about 6”x6”) that say, “I'll never, no never forsake!” It should be some really good experience for me. I'm really loving this and I hope that it all works out, because I think that it could be really great!

Well, I think I'm going to wrap up now. I'm sorry that I don't have anything more inspirational to say, but just know how much I love you and how much your girls are missing you and praying for you and supporting you! Think about us when you're feeling down...think about our last day together and the awesome date that we'll go on as soon as you get home. I love you more than my luggage!



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